Celebrating International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. Therefore, to celebrate International Women’s day this year I thought I’d share the journey of two female business owners I admire and respect. After all, it’s important to acknowledge both the challenges and opportunities that the wedding industry holds for female entrepreneurs. By sharing their thoughts, along with some of my own, I hope to inspire other women to follow their dreams to run their own successful business.
Many thanks to Liz at Blue Sky Flowers and Stephanie at Safe & Sound Event Childcare for sharing their stories and thoughts.

Q: Introduce your business
Blue Sky Flowers is a luxury wedding florist based in london but I work all over the uk.
Q: How did you get to where you are now?
With a lot of hard work! Twenty years of getting up early, lugging flowers and foliage around and going up and down ladders, toughens you up pretty quick… but I love it!
Q: What is it like to run your own business?
Amazing but tough… I’m not just a florist, I’m a marketing and social media manager, part time accountant, van and delivery driver, client services manager and everything in between… I think that’s what a lot of people forget when they start a business… it’s not just the front facing bit that is important!
Q: What barriers and opportunities did you face starting a business as a woman?
I honestly don’t think I faced any barriers when I started out on my own… and working as I do in a very male dominated business, I found sometimes it could help being a woman.
Q: What would you say to women who have reservations starting a business
Just do it.. do your research, plan ahead and be realistic about your market and what you can do… there is so much help now compared to when I started so seek it out
Q: What would you tell your younger self?
Have fun when you can, enjoy life and work for yourself at something you love

threI the businessQ: Introduce your business
Safe & Sound have offered bespoke wedding and corporate event childcare. Since 2006 we have sprinkled event childcare with fun and laughter, with a fabulous team whose extensive knowledge and expertise make the day and play magical.
Q: How did you get to where you are now?
I attended drama school and trained as a stage manager, working in theatre, TV and video production. I’m a mother of twin boys and for more than three decades I held a variety of childcare roles including providing crèche facilities for post-natal exercise classes, summer schools, play schemes and children’s theatre workshops. I then joined the Safe & Sound team prior to purchasing the business in 2011. Launching the business I worked hard networking and establishing relationships with planners and venues to become a well regarded company within the wedding industry by building trust.
Q: What is it like to run your own business?
I have some flexibility in my life which I wouldn’t have if I was employed. The disadvantages are that it’s hard to walk away and close the laptop. This is especially true in the wedding and events industry, where your clients often want to catch up in the evenings or weekends so you need to set up boundaries. Clients tend to message whenever they want to! One plus is that I have a real level of control over my working day. The level of responsibility can be both positive and negative as everything rests on my shoulders.
Q: What barriers and opportunities did you face starting a business as a woman?
I didn’t find any real barriers. I’ve been freelance all my working life so running my own business was a natural progression. To a certain extent the wedding industry is female based which I am sure helped. Being a mum is the greatest juggle really, both practically and emotionally.
Q: What would you say to women who have reservations starting a business
Time commitment is something you have to consider when managing home life and a business. Get everything set up as much as much as you can before you startout…. your business plan, systems, structures etc. The effort is worthwhile, it’s incredibly rewarding and well worth the hard work.
Q: What would you tell your younger self?
I did it the right way for me… having children older as I couldn’t do what I did in my 20s later on. Spend as much time with your children as you can. Learn to delegate and learn to give to yourself as much as you give to others.

Q: Introduce your business
Caroline Sian Weddings & Events is an award-winning wedding planning business, creating elegant occasions that are expertly planned and overflowing with authentic, heartfelt touches.
Q: How did you get to where you are now?
Before launching my business I spent over 15 years managing corporate events, eventually leading a global events business running conferences, exhibitions, parties and dinners all over the world. When I decided I wanted to run my own business and organise events with private rather than corporate clients the world of weddings was a natural choice. I was definitely presented with more issues around gender in my corporate life than I ever have been within the weddings industry, something that has been a very welcome change.
Q: What is it like to run your own business?
I adore it but it was a cultural shock coming from the corporate world. Firstly working completely on my own rather than as part of a larger team means it can be lonely at times. Also, as Liz mentioned, I’m not just a wedding planner, I’m also IT support, finance manager and marketer.
Q: What barriers and opportunities did you face starting a business as a woman?
I don’t believe any external barriers exist for women wanting to enter the weddings industry. The only barrier I’ve seen many women suffer from (including myself) is our own lower self confidence in our abilities meaning we create internal/mental barriers such as “comparisonitis” and other negative mindsets which hold us back.
Q: What would you say to women who have reservations starting a business
Once you’ve gain the necessary experience have confidence, a solid business plan (including financials on how you’re going to generate the salary you need!) and then just go for it!
Q: What would you tell your younger self?
You only get to live life once so make sure you make the most of every single year!
Hi I'm
I’m an award-winning London and Hampshire-based wedding and event planner with more than 20 years of events experience to my name. With a passion for luxurious, stylish weddings and events, I love dreaming up exciting ways to bring ideas to life - from city chic London weddings and idyllic country house venues, to large scale celebrations bringing together guests from around the world. When the out of office is on, you’ll usually find me off on an adventure to a far flung destination or recharging with friends over cake and bubbly.